Latest News
- 27/01/2024
School choice-making for Central Allocation (Paper Form)
- 26/01/2024
The Parent-Child School Picnic
- 22/01/2024
School choice-making for Central Allocation (ePOA)
- 20/01/2024
K3 Central Allocation Parents' Talk (For local students)
- 19/01/2024
Birthday Party (January & February)
- 04/01/2024
School Year of 2024-2025 K1 Admission
- 01/01/2024
New Year’s Day
- 21/12/2023
Christmas and New Year Holiday
- 20/12/2023
Christmas and Birthday (December) Party
- 11/12/2023
The day after District Council Ordinary Election
- 09/12/2023
C.C.C. Chuen Yuen Church joined School Performance
- 09/12/2023
2023 Christmas Show
- 24/11/2023
Birthday Party (November)
- 17/11/2023
Teacher Development Day
- 28/10/2023
1st Vaccination for Influenza
- 27/10/2023
Birthday Party (October)
- 23/10/2023
Chung Yeung Festival
- 21/10/2023
Sports Open Day
- 02/10/2023
The day following National Day
- 30/09/2023
The day following the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival